Logframer development history


Version 3.1

Released on February 7th, 2018

Minor upgrade with Spanish user interface and a series of bug fixes

  • Addition of the Spanish user interface
  • Modified Project Information Window to improve visibility and navigation on smaller (laptop) screens
  • Bug fixes
    • Logframer freezes when the window is minimised
    • Error occurs when adding a new indicator
    • Error occurs when adding a new assumption
    • When closing the application, Logframer doesn't ask if you want to save your changes
    • When the project is already saved to a file but the project title or short  title aren't yet known then Logframer presents the 'Save as' dialog when you click to save
    • Auto-save feature doesn't work
    • Error when exporting to IATI if certain information isn't completed
    • Error when exporting reports to Excel
    • Error when importing a partial logframe (certain columns/sections only)

Version 3.0

Released on May 20th, 2017

  • Support to International Aid Transparency Initiative
    • Ability to create IATI activity files
    • Ability to create IATI organisation files
    • Ability to read and edit existing IATI files
  • Integration of four view modes (Basic, Advanced, IATI activity and IATI organisation mode)
  • Addition of German user interface
  • New Reports toolbar
  • Possibility to indicate location of partner organisations, intervention zones and target groups on interactive Bing Maps™
  • Additions to Project information window:
    • Project lifecycle
    • Narrative description of project and context; indication of activity sectors
    • Intervention zones
    • Funding sources; management of donors, budget lines and calls for proposals; overview of financial transactions
    • Additional IATI specific information to identify project and describe aid streams
  • New Expenses window (for IATI organisation file)
  • Ability to store information about your organisation in a separate file and use it in each (new) project
  • Possibility to translate text  in different languages (project title and description, content of logframe, planning and budget, etc.)
  • Improved print headers and footers with ability to include your organisation's logo and contact information as well as the title of the project
  • Additional reports (printing):
    • Expenses overview (IATI organisation only)
    • Target groups with maps
    • Intervention zones with maps
  • New reports which can be exported to MS Excel:
    • Target groups with maps
    • Intervention zones with maps

Version 2.0

Released on November 12th, 2016

  • New Project information window with title, duration, overview of target groups, monitoring and evaluation planning (of indicators and risks) and partners and contacts
  • Improved logical framework:
    • Ability to show/hide sections as well as columns
    • Ability to work with individual activities as well as processes with sub-activities (unlimited sub-levels)
    • Ability to add sub-indicators to indicators (unlimited sub-levels)
    • 17 different types of indicators
    • Inclusion of baseline and multi-year targets (only one target possible in previous versions)
    • Assumptions column with RAID typology: add Risks, Assumptions and Dependencies
    • Resources can be linked to various budget itemsl. Allows calculation of (approx.) budget needed for each activity and output.
  • Dynamic Planning window that allows to add and modify key moments, processes and activities in a Gantt chart (MS Project style). Replaces the previous static Planning window that only served to give an overview but didn't allow any modifications
  • New Budget window that allows the design of simple and multi-year budgets
  • New and improved tools:
    • Automatic generation of Monitoring tool
    • Improved risk register
    • Budget templates
  • New Microsoft Office-style ribbon
  • Multi-document interface, allowing to open more than one project at a time.
  • Office-style copy/paste ribbon and ability to copy text from other applications
  • Collaboration tools: contact people via mail, e-mail or Skype
  • Ability to import budgets made in MS Excel
  • Improved performance in general interface (rendering) and print previews
  • Interface in English, French and Dutch
  • Reviewed undo/redo mechanism
  • Complete review of code

Version 1.3

Released on November 9th, 2014

Minor upgrade with improved importing and exporting capabilities

  • Importing of logframes from MS Word documents
  • Exporting of reports to MS Word documents: one single wizard that allows you to import a report at the beginning/end of a document or after a bookmark.
  • Exporting of new reports to MS Word documents:
    • Table of resources
    • Project planning
    • List of partners
    • Target group identification forms
  • Autosave feature
  • Resolved problems with search function
  • Resolved problems with Activities Details window when user sets start of activity before start date of project is chosen
  • Resolved problem that Logframer does not ask you to save the document when you close Logframer

Version 1.2

Released on May 16th, 2014

Major upgrade with enhanced performance to improve the print and print preview processes

  • New and improved print and print preview window, with uniform print options
  • Improved performance of the user interface, with the choice between more accurate or faster rendering
  • Find contact (person/organisation) tool, also with the ability to search by address, telephone number, etc.
  • Importing of logframes from MS Excel workbooks: new and improved function replacing the (buggy) previous version
  • Launch Logframer directly by double-clicking a document's icon

Version 1.1

Released on October 29th, 2013

Major upgrade with the bilingual interface as the main feature. Another important point of attention was the stability of the application.

  • Bilingual interface - select between French or English user interface
  • Powerful find and replace tool - search your logframe and the various windows with detailed information for specific words and replace them if necessary
  • Recent files list - quickly select a logframer document that you've opened recently
  • More control over the lay-out of your logframe - choose the font and colour of the titles etc.
  • Increased number of options for the scheme of your project logic column
  • Launch Logframer directly by double-clicking a document's icon. (this feature didn't work)
  • Improved stability

Version 1.0

Released on May 20th, 2013

Original version of Logframer, with the following features:

  • Identify the goals, purposes, outputs and activities of your project, as well as indicators, verification sources and assumptions.
  • Manipulate text as you would in any word processor: mark text in bold, italics, underlined, etc.; select any font and font size; change the text colour and background colour…
  • Focus on what you are doing by hiding any columns you don’t use. Use Logframer during participatory exercises going through the columns step by step and gradually adding detail.
  • Drag cells around using the right mouse button. Move or copy an output and its indicators and assumptions will follow. Move an indicator and its verification sources will follow. Make an objective out of an indicator or vice versa. Or simply change their order.
  • Don’t worry about renumbering objectives, indicators, verifications sources or assumptions. Logframer does it all for you while you concentrate on content.
  • Store general information about your project and your partners.
  • Create your project’s planning by indicating when activities will start, how long they will take, how much preparation you will need and how long the follow-up period will take. Indicate how activities will follow up each other and indicate key moments in your project. Then view or present your project’s planning in the form of a Gantt Chart.
  • Design how your indicators will be measured, choosing any of 11 different question types. Set value ranges and targets for your indicators.
  • Automatically generate questionnaires that you can use in the field to register data.
  • Specify how information must be gathered, how regularly and by whom. Create a Performance Measurement Framework document.
  • Identify risks and decide on how they will be monitored. Automatically generate a Risk Register to monitor threats in the field.
  • Import existing logframes from Microsoft Excel™ into Logframer.
  • Generate many types of reports. You can easily create custom prints of your logframe by hiding or showing columns. Print your planning, a list of partners, target group identification forms, the Performance Measurement Framework and the Risk Register, or export them to Microsoft Excel™ and Microsoft Word™.

Versions 0.1 - 0.9

Development versions, not published
