What is Logframer?

Logframer 3.0 by Bart Stevens

Logframer 3.0 is a project management application designed by Facilidev for projects based on the logical framework method. Logframer was designed with NGO projects for development and humanitarian assistance in mind, but can also be used for other kinds of projects in other sectors.

The basic idea behind Logframer is to provide aid actors such as NGOs, non-profit organisations, donor agencies and so on with a simple, versatile and free tool that makes designing projects an easier task (and more fun). Logframer allows you to better integrate all information needed for a well-designed project, and helps you to improve the quality of your project proposals.

Logframer is designed to replace the usual tools for designing a logical framework, such as MS Excel and MS Word. It  makes sharing easier because all the essential information of your project is gathered in one single file (logframe, planning, budget and much more). It also takes into account the fact that internet connections in some part of the world make it difficult to use cloud-based solutions. Logframer documents are light-weight, so no more pushing a whole series of Office documents over a connection that fails every couple of minutes.

Logframer offers many options but you are never obliged to use them all. This way, Logframer can help small grass-roots organisations develop simple projects, but it can also assist bigger organisations with the development of large and more complex projects and programmes. And once you're finished designing your project, you can create the necessary tools to manage it at the press of a button.

Logframer can be used to design and manage any project that uses a logical framework and even projects that don't. Logframer offers the necessary project management tools and options for Logical Framework Analysis, Project Cycle Management and Results Based Management.

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