Tools: Questionnaires
Underneath the usual settings of the Print Settings bar, you can set different options to select what information you want to include in the questionnaire.
You can select:
- Which indicators you want to include, meaning from which level of your logframe: impact indicators, outcome indicators, output indicators, activity indicators (progress indicators) or all indicators.
- To which target group the indicators belong: when designing indicators, you can set to which specific target group each indicator belongs. This way you can create different documents (questionnaires) for different target groups, only showing the relevant indicators for that specific group. Using the Target group setting, you can select any of the target groups you've identified, or else choose to include all target groups.
- Which type of information to include in the document:
- Purposes and outputs: if you uncheck these options, you will only see the actual questions (indicators) on your form. If you check them, they will be used as headers.
- Responses: if you check this option, you will get the options lists and space to enter the responses to the questions. If you uncheck this option, only the actual indicators will be listed.
- Value ranges and targets: if you check this option, the value ranges and targets will be included in curly brackets {}. If you include the value range, the person completing the list will be able to see what minimum and maximum values he or she has to respect. Including the targets is more for internal use - you probably don't want the respondents to know what the 'right' answer is.
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