
You can generate the following reports:





What can you do with it?

What do you need to complete?




Logical framework

Design phase: develop logframe with (potential) beneficiaries during workshop; exchange & develop the logframe with partners

Include logframe in funding applications towards donors

Include logframe in Project documentation as reference during implementation

Use and adapt logframe during implementation

Logical framework





Design phase: exchange & develop the planning with partners

Include planning in funding applications

Include planning in Project documentation as reference during implementation

Use and adapt planning during implementation

Identify key moments in the Planning window or in the key moments list of each output (logframe)

Identify processes and activities in the Planning window or in the logframe

Use Activity Detail pane to specify start date, duration, preparation & follow-up periods, practical organisation and repetition





Design phase: exchange & develop the budget with partners

Include budget in funding applications

Include budget in Project documentation as reference during implementation

Use and adapt budget during implementation

Choose between simple or multi-year budget

Optionally use one of the budget templates

List budget headers and budget items in the budget

Specify unit cost, number of items and/or duration for each budget item




Performance Measurement Framework

Design the basis of your monitoring framework by identifying which information you need to follow-up different objectives, what the baseline and targets will be, how you will find the information, how often you will monitor and who is responsible for monitoring that information

Identify objectives, indicators and verification sources in the logframe

Select monitoring deadlines (in Project info window)

Use Indicator Detail pane to specify question type, baseline and targets

Use Verification Source Detail pane to specify frequency and who is responsible for monitoring

Alternatively, you can print an empty PMF and use that template to design the performance measurement system. Then you can use this information to complete in Logframer




Resources table

Include Resources table in funding applications

Project documentation: Provides an overview per output and activity which resources you will need and an (indicative) budget

Identify objectives, activities and resources in the logical framework

For each resource: specify an approx. total amount


Design your budget in the Budget window

For each resource: use the Resource Detail pane to add items from your (Total) budget and specify which percentage of the budget item will be used for this resource.




Risks table

Include Risks table in funding applications

Project documentation: Provides an overview of the risks you identified, how you will deal with that risk, which objective it may threaten or influence and the baseline assessment of the likelihood and impact of the risk

Identify risks in the logframe

Use Assumption Detail pane to specify likelihood, impact and response strategy




Assumptions table

Design phase: identify assumptions; determine how they can be validated and follow-up how you will validate them.

Include Assumptions table in funding applications

Project documentation

Identify assumptions in the logframe

Use Assumption Detail pane to specify likelihood, impact and response strategy




Dependencies table

Design phase: identify dependencies and how they will influence your project

Include Dependencies table in funding applications

Project documentation

Identify dependencies in the logframe

Use Assumption Detail pane to identify the type of dependency, to specify deliverables and response strategy if the deliverables are not available




Information on partners and contacts

Design and implementation: keep an overview of the people and organisations involved in the project

Use the Collaboration toolbar to contact them by e-mail, skype, telephone or mail

Funding applications: provide an overview of your partner organisations

Complete information about partner organisations and the people that work for them in the Project information window (tab Partners)


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