My organisation info

When you start up Logframer for the first time, you may want to start with registering information about your organisation. You can do this by pressing the My organisation button in the File toolbar.

The advantage of doing so is that Logframer will add your organisation to the partner list of any new project that you create. You can also include a link to your logo, which will be shown in the Project Information window. You can include information about your organisation (name and or contact information) as well as the logo into the headers and footers of your reports.

The My organisation dialogue

When you've completed (or edited) the information about your organisation, you have to save it to disk by clicking the Save file (or Save as...) button on top. If you save the Logframer organisation document (*.lfro) on a network share, several people can use the same information and keep it accurate.

What information you want to include about your organisation is up to you. You can include:

You can also indicate the location of your office(s) on Bing Maps™

Indicate the location of your organisation's office on the map


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