Likert type scale
The difference between the Likert-type scale and a full-blown Likert scale is that the Likert-type scale only uses a five-point (or seven-point, or whatever you prefer) to answer on a single question. A full-blown Likert scale on the other hand uses a series of statements that explore different dimensions of a subject.
On the Scoring tab:
- Score values box: enter the different Likert scale options that the respondent will be able to choose from. A typical Likert scale has five or seven options (five-point Likert scale or seven-point Likert scale), which means that there is a neutral option in the middle. But you can also use an even number of options and use more or less options than five or seven. For example:
- Strongly disagree – disagree – neutral – agree – strongly agree
- Very good – good – bad – very bad
- Enter a scoring value for each option. If you want to use values with one or more decimals, use the Number box to set the number of decimals
- Scoring: see the page on this topic
On the Targets tab:
- For the baseline and targets, click in the checkbox under to the relevant option. You can only select one option.
- When you measure at beneficiary level, specify which percentage of the target group you expect to reach that target in the column on the right. In the far right column Logframer will calculate the total scores for the target population.
Beneficiary level monitoring:
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