Facilidev Logframer 3.0

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Erstellen sie Ihr Monitoringtool in Microsoft Excel

Identifizierung von Annahmen, Abhängigkeiten und Risiken. Erstellen Sie ein Risikoregister in MS Excel, um Risiken während Ihres Projekts zu überwachen.

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über Logframer 3

LFA: how to involve the beneficiaries in the design of the project

Logo Logical Framework ApproachThe Logical Framework Approach or LFA is a participatory way to design the project's core elements by means of a workshop - or a series of workshops - with the key stakeholders. It allows you to decide upon the project's main purpose, the concrete outputs it is supposed to achieve, the activities that you could do and so on together with the people that will benefit from the project. LFA provides a step-by-step method to analyse the project's environment, identify key stakeholders, identify the problems that the project should address and decide upon a strategy to deal with these problems. And although LFA is primarily a tool to design a project, it can also be used for its execution, for reporting, for monitoring and for evaluations.


Project Cycle Management or PCM

Project Cycle Management or PCM is an approach that allows you to manage many different projects and improve the quality of your projects over time. PCM uses the idea of a continuous learning cycle and incorporates logical framework analysis to guarantee that the beneficiaries are involved in the project's design. However, PCM's built-in flexibility is often threatened by the way its tools and models are used in a rigid way by donors and strong NGO partners.



Logframer Hilfeseiten

Über Facilidev

The Logical Framework

The logical framework or logframe is a project management tool, that can be used to design, implement, monitor and evaluate a project. The logframe presents a wealth of information related to your project in a 4x4 matrix. The logframe can help you reflect on the basic elements of your project, such as its objectives, the activities that you want to do, the resources that you're going to need, how you are going to follow-up your project's progress and results, and what risk could threaten your project.

Wie kann man ein Monitoring-system erstellen?

Results Based Management (RBM)

As a next step in the evolution of logical framework approaches, Results Based Management or RBM tries to respond to a number of issues of the PCM and LFA methods. People often ask what the difference is between PCM or LFA and Results Based Management. In a sense, you could say that RBM is PCM done right. It provides more tools and directives on what you should do to ensure that you really design your project in a participatory way, or to make sure that you really think about assumptions and risks.