Logframer 1.3 - Build 2

At the moment, I'm frantically working on version 2.0 of Logframer, which will be utterly fantastic once it's finished. Some day. In the far future.

Anyway, just to say that the release of the newest version is not for toworrow because I'm giving Logframer a really thorough make-over. But that doesn't mean that the current version 1.3 is left to its own devices. I was made aware by a couple of users of some bugs in the system, most notably when you try to set the start date of an activity or key moment.

Apart from removing these bugs I incorporated some elements under the hood from the future version 2.0. Nothing drastic you know, just to make sure you can plan activities the way you want to. So that is why I have published a second build of version 1.3, which you can now download from the page with the same name.

Don't expect any new functionalities, this is just maintenance. You'll have to wait for Logframer 2.0 for any real changes. But I'll give some clues about the new version in a follow-up post.

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